Sunday, June 14, 2009

Six Months...

Gigi, Opa, Brylie, Landry & Baby Payslie.

and things are looking up!

On the sixth month anniversary of Mom's stroke (not that we would like to remember) something very happy happened. Payslie Christian Walls came into the world and became Gigi's fifth little ray of Sonshine. As it worked out, Mom had already planned to be in Midland going to therapy, so she was here to watch Brylie and Landry in the middle of the night so we could go to the hospital and have a baby! Everyone is doing great....and we ordered the "deluxe model" this Payslie is pretty agreeable most of the time!:>)

On rehab news, Gigi has already gone to a couple of weeks at the Aphasia Center of West Texas. This is a remarkable center of hope for many people from all walks of life. After our initial meeting with the staff of the center, they determined that Mom actually does not have "Aphasia." She knows what she wants to say, and she knows when she says it right or not. Her speech problems are those of breathing, certain blends of sounds, pitch, volume and speed. Typically the center really would not even be able to help her, but since they knew that it would only be for a short time, they graciously welcomed her with open arms. This has been a huge blessing and definitely a step in the right direction as far as helping to re-socialize her. She has been going on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:30-1:45. The people there could not be any kinder!

In addition to The Aphasia Center, Mom is also participating in a one-on-one brain re-hab therapy called IN-Balance. This is another remarkable resource that uses balance boards to help truly rehabilitate the brain and create new neurological connections...which is what we are going for. Once you can balance on this board, then your brain is in perfect "harmony" and true rehab can take place. They work using different activities that cross the mid-line of the body requiring great coordination. It is quite obvious to Mom what her body has done to "fix" some of the problems. Her left side is much weaker than the right and as a result, she tends to pull her head back to the left. After only a couple of sessions at In-balance, we have been able to see improvement in Mom's balance. This can have affects on not only her balance, but speech and brain functions as is pretty amazing and we have been impressed so far.

Lastly, we have found a wonderful speech therapist here in Midland that is willing to work with Mom one-on-one for at least an hour during the week. She has worked with stroke victims before so has already been able to identify and pull activities to help pin point Mom's struggles. It is like I said earlier, Mom has made so much progress...she doesn't even realize it...but so much was out of mere survival, that now we are able to look at what she need to make a conscious effort to correct. It is our prayer that a combination of all of these specific therapies will work for the good to help Mom be back where she wants to be in the middle of August.....back at SCHOOL!

Thanks for all of your continued cards, notes of encouragement and continued prayers. We know that Mom is here and doing as well as she is...because of the Good Lord and your ongoing support! We will keep you posted! Love to all! Christi

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Big News

Okay....brace has been a huge day. So we celebrated Landry's fifth birthday here in Midland today. I hadn't seen Gigi since Easter, and you can't believe her progress. With new contacts and glasses, it seems that Gigi is taking giant steps rather than baby steps at this point! (It is amazing what one can do when they can see clearly!) She is all around doing better all the time...walking, talking, name it!

Anyway...back to the big as she and Opa were headed south, she decided she would try her hand at for about FIFTY MILES, she had her maiden voyage since December 11. Of course to hear Opa tell it, it was a terrifying experience, but with her hands on ten and two, and sitting at attention like you know she was, WE ALL KNOW BETTER! SHE DID GREAT!!!!!! We are so proud, as I know she must be proud of herself....getting back to "what comes natural!" She was laughing as she told me that all Dad said was, "Don't get stopped, because this will be really hard to explain to a cop!" Thankfully she still has her near perfect driving record!

In other news, Mom will be staying with us for the next few days and or weeks. We feel like a huge "God Thing" has fallen in our laps, that is simply too good to turn down. As I stated earlier, many of the presenting problems from even a month ago have begun to resolve themselves; sight, balance, attention. After a little research and numerous recommendations, Mom is going to be going to the Aphasia Center of West Texas starting on Monday. (For all you non-stroke lingo people like we all were six months ago....aphasia is speech problems) This is one of the leading treatment centers in the United States....and only one of eight like it in North America. Their moto is "Restoring Hope and Communication" and our prayer is that this will be exactly what Mom needs to thrust her out of this life altering ordeal! If you are interested in knowing more, you can google The Aphasia Center of West Texas, or click here to watch the inspiring video.

Thanks for your continued love, prayers and support. They are indeed working, so please don't stop! I will keep you posted over the next few days as to how this new phase of recovery seems to be going!

Love to all....Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

She Who Laughs....


I know it has literally been months since we updated....Sorry! A lot has happened, and Mom continues to improve daily! So what has been going on? are some of the high points to not bore you!
  • Mom finished Physical and Occupational Therapy in Farwell. Although there is still some room for improvement, the therapist felt like the activities they had taught her were skills that she could work on perfecting at home, by herself and with the help of family.

  • Her double vision FINALLY went away at the first of March. YEAH!!!!! So when I was home over spring break we went to the eye doctor. He feels like, although it might change some over the next few weeks, or months, that her vision can be corrected with her glasses and contacts to 20/20! This was very encouraging, as we have felt all along that much of her fine motor and coordination issues were because of her vision problems.

  • Mom has become a world (well maybe just a Texas) traveler. In the past couple of months, she has made several trips to Midland to stay for a few days, and one gigantic trip, airplane and all, to Austin to see everyone down there with Aunt Tammy. Aunt Tammy was headed to Austin to see her kidos, and they just decided to go together for a little change in scenery. This worked out great! They were able to see everyone that we didn't get to see at the big family wedding over New Year's when Mom was still in the hospital....Josh and Mitsi (the newly weds) Clay and Charla (the rock stars:>)) as well as Aunt Nell and Uncle Bill and their family (Lee & J.J. their three boys (one being brand new...Will) and Tara & Jackson). We realize that all of you made Mom's trip possible as well as entertaining, and we appreciate your help! She seemed to have a great time when something different was what she needed! She is planning on doing this again get ready!

  • Although it is still going to be a long road, EVERYTHING seems to be improving. I know we have said it before, but it is like watching a baby grow. When you walk away for a few days, you can REALLY see the difference. Mom said she doesn't get to leave herself (thank goodness) so she depends on us to tell her how much she has improved and all the new things she is able to do and doesn't even realize! It is not until you think of where she was at four months ago, that you can fully appreciate where she is now, and how good God really is! She is becoming very independant again, both physically and mentally, and her speech (which seems to frustrate her the most) is clearer and more understandable everyday. She can talk on the phone, and she is able to worry and think about things. other than survival, that she couldn't even a month ago! We are confidant that she will be back to her bossy little self in no time!:>)

So back to my opening statement. It seems as though the levy that has held sixty one and a half years of hard work and seriousness, have finally broke, and laughter and silliness are now abundant. Some stroke victims are angry or fit throwers, but not Gigi, she has definitely found the laughter. Now let me clarify often times is not just a small giggle or a simple grin, but rather the loud, uncontrollable, gut wrenching fits of laughter that comes from deep within! Don't get me wrong, although we are thankful for this, she has had some narrow escapes from getting us ALL in BIG trouble. It is like when you are in church and nothing is funny to anyone but you, and just because you are in church and not supposed to laugh, the funnier it is. Sometimes this happens when she is trying to eat.......dangerous! And sometimes this happens when she is in a peaceful doctor's office.....illegal! Other times it is right in the middle of a serious conversation....offensive. But at the end of the day, we are so blessed that she has been able to find the laughter! Lord knows, if she has found no reason to cry about her current "crisis", then none of the rest of us have a pitiful leg to stand on! Clearly.....SHE WHO LAUGHS.....LASTS!

Thank you for continuing to check in on Mom, whether it is by visits, cards, blogs or thoughts & prayers. We notice and feel them all! Again, don't write us off your prayer list just yet, but be thankful with us as to the many blessings He continues to pour over Mom!

Love to all,


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Thanks for checking in on us. We have not been as good about updating, simply because there has not been much change. Mom is doing physical, occupational and speech therapy in Farwell several times a week. This is a huge blessing, not only because of the convience of it, but because we are really lucky to have this facilty with expert therapist right there in our little town! We cannot thank the people enough who helped this be possible for Mom.

Mom continues to improve daily. It is hard to believe that eight or nine weeks ago she could not walk at all, and now, especially around the house she is walking without a walker with very little assistance! Daily routines that were impossible just a few weeks ago, (putting in her contacts, brushing her teeth, feeding herself, ect.) she now has licked and can actually tell us how we should be doing it different....a good 'ol trait of the pre-stoke Gwen! We have all been stretched by this. Mom has always been such a proud, independant woman who prided herself in taking care of all of us, and now it is her turn to be on the recieving end. Charla is the Sunday night through Thursday morning assistant. Dad is the late night/early morning & weekend caregiver....and for anyone who is interested to know....Special Ed CAN do hair and make-up, should you ever get in a bind!:>) Thankfully Aunt Tammy and Aunt Loy are both close enough and have given so much of their time. We could not make it without either one of them. Aunt Tammy is doing "Thursdays with Tammy", and when needed come over on Fridays, too. Aunt Loy and Uncle Joe come from Friona several times a week, to help with anything they can. I have been running back and forth on the weekends and last week I got to be her nurse for several days in a row.:>) Clint and I both brought Gigi her much needed grand kid therapy last weekend. We realize that each of us brings something different and valuable to the table as far as caring for Mom. At first, we were a little concerned that by depending on so many different people, the inconsistency might be a problem. However, we now know that by so many people doing a little, Mom has to be flexible and each person can keep her stimulated differently. Also, with so many helping, nobody (especially Dad), has had to carry all of this by themselves. We have also had to depend on friends and family around Farwell to check in on her if there is a day that we couldn't cover, and if you have done this, "thank you" simply doesn't seem like enough....but we really appreciate your love and help! Mom is a true living miracle that is improving all the time!

We have heard and read that many times stroke victims have a major personality change. Some are depressed, some are violent, some like to stay isolated, but fortunately with Mom this is not the case. As you well know, Mom has always been the one that pulls the rest of us back to reality. In the past, when we would get really silly, or be wise crackin', she would always laugh and participate for a few minutes and then say something like, "That's enough," or "Oh, I cannot believe ya'll"......but since her stroke something amazing has happened. Mom has the biggest giggle box any of us have ever seen. She seem to laugh all the time, which is definitely contagious to anyone in the room...what a true blessing!

Sorry for the wordiness. The main point is that Mom is still on the up and up. Again, we cannot thank you enough for your countless prayers, visits, notes of encouragement, & delicious meals. Each and every one of you mean so much to us, and continue to be such a blessing to Mom in her time of need! Please keep your thoughts and prayers coming/multiplying as they are surely working and being felt by all of us!

Love, Christi

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How in the world do you screw up a Grilled Cheeze Sandwich???

This entry was started at the first of last week, but not finished until tonight....2/5 Mom's main caretaker during the week............somehow, I have found a way to loose one of her contacts, almost get kicked out of the Farwell Clinic, and nearly burn the house down........and it's only Day #2!!!!!

My life as a traveling musician has allowed me the be able to be home with Mom Sunday night through Thursday morning. So first, to my siblings, thank you for putting your faith in me to take on this responsiblity. And second, to all mother's out there, HOW DO YOU DO IT???

Let me just give you the break down of our days:

For alarm clock, tell Dad to wake us up when he leaves for work. Kick Dad out when he flips on the light at 6:15am. Sit Mom up and give first round of meds. Pick contact out of Mom's right eye that we searched 2 hours on hands and knees for the previous night. Make coffee. Help Mom shower without getting drenched. Heat up breakfast that has now turned cold. Brush teeth. Get Mom into Hair and Makeup. Watch Mom try to tie her shoes for 3 mins and then finally give in and help. Race outside to get into vehicle to make it to doctors appointment. Answer cell phone. Race back into house now that appointment has been moved to afternoon. Put in load of laundry. Do PowerPoint program that Dad put together for home speech activities. Restart laundry, but add detergent this time. Run to gym while Mom is resting. Finally wash hair after 4 days. Heat up leftover stew for lunch and pop cheese sandwich into toaster oven to avoid making it the correct way on the stove. Answer doorbell. Blow dry hair. Put out kitchen fire started by toaster oven. Open all windows and doors to ventilate house before smoke alarms come on. Give Mom a klenex when she starts coughing. Stop self from throwing charred bread into ally dumpster as recalling the time Clay set the night in flames after dumping ashes on Christmas wrapping paper. Take Mom to doctor appointment and try not to pee pants while in waiting room. Laugh until we cry. Make it home in time to make dinner for Dad.........

Okay I could go on and on, but you get the point. Everything in life that comes so natural is no longer so natural!

We have had a little bump in the road this week, as far as ironing out the details of rehab. We have an amazing facility available to us right here and Farwell, but have had some trouble working with the insurance company. As far as our insurance company is concerned, Hereford (55 miles away) is where we should be taking Mom five days a week for therapy...this proves how personable and sensitive insurance companies tend to be when they ,"are just trying to do what is best for their client". As of tonight, another answered prayer has come our way, and mom will finally be able to start therapy IN FARWELL in the morning. God continues to use so many kind and good-hearted people to bless us during this difficult time!

She is truly improving daily, she is walking about the house without her walker, as long as one of us is near to keep a hand on her. Christi and I have been working on the "occupational" part of therapy with what she trained us so well over the years to do....GO SHOPPING:>)....although her endurance is not too good at this point, she has "played along" and got out of the house to run errands with us a couple of times.

Mom's attitude is amazing. As a matter of fact the other day she overheard Christi talking on the phone to someone explaining the situation. When she got off Mom asked, "Who was that?" and then in her broken language she basically said, tell anyone who want to see me like this that they better hurry.....I WILL NOT be like this for long! Your continued thoughts, prayers, notes of encouragement, visits and delicious food have given her the extra "umph" to keep fighting. We are confident that after a week or two of therapy and many more prayers, Mom will be much better. Again, we cannot thank you enough for all you have done and continue to do for our special lady. Please hang with us and keep those mighty prayers coming/multiplying, as they are surely felt and working!

Love & Lipgloss! Charla

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Home again! Home again!


Well, after six weeks, two major holidays, a Texas Tech bowl game that she would have loved to have gone to and one day later, Mom is FINALLY home! After a short graduation ceremony (goofy hat and all) she busted out of BSA shortly before noon yesterday! Where did she talk Dad into taking her first you might asked yourself? To eat Chinese food, of course! Dad has done a wonderful job of getting everything prepared for her at home, and we are all geared up to help this transition go as smooth as possible! She is happy! We are all so happy and thankful to have her back home! We are also praying that she continues to improve and that she will be back to her old self in no time. Being at home will certainly help her odds!

We cannot thank you enough for your ongoing love, prayers and support through the past several weeks, and please don't write us off your prayer list just yet! We know that Mom was able to hit this milestone...because of you all! If you are around Farwell, please feel free to stop in for a visit. We obviously aren't quite sure what the next few days, weeks, or even months will hold, but today we are stopping for a brief moment to be thankful for all He has blessed us with. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! We will keep you posted!

~ Christi

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Countdown Is On!

Today Mom.......

  • walked up and down a flight of stairs BY HERSELF (what a show-off, huh?).
  • learned how manuver herself from the floor to a chair BY HERSELF (just in case).
  • how to step in and out of a bath tub.
  • walked out to the parking lot with Dad and the therapist to practice stepping off curbs and getting in and out of Dad's pick-up.

Tomorrow Mom will........

  • continue therapy. Only three more days!!!:>)
  • have a celebration where all of her therapist are taking her to lunch at the restaurant of her choice!

We will keep you posted! ~Christi