Sunday, April 19, 2009

She Who Laughs....


I know it has literally been months since we updated....Sorry! A lot has happened, and Mom continues to improve daily! So what has been going on? are some of the high points to not bore you!
  • Mom finished Physical and Occupational Therapy in Farwell. Although there is still some room for improvement, the therapist felt like the activities they had taught her were skills that she could work on perfecting at home, by herself and with the help of family.

  • Her double vision FINALLY went away at the first of March. YEAH!!!!! So when I was home over spring break we went to the eye doctor. He feels like, although it might change some over the next few weeks, or months, that her vision can be corrected with her glasses and contacts to 20/20! This was very encouraging, as we have felt all along that much of her fine motor and coordination issues were because of her vision problems.

  • Mom has become a world (well maybe just a Texas) traveler. In the past couple of months, she has made several trips to Midland to stay for a few days, and one gigantic trip, airplane and all, to Austin to see everyone down there with Aunt Tammy. Aunt Tammy was headed to Austin to see her kidos, and they just decided to go together for a little change in scenery. This worked out great! They were able to see everyone that we didn't get to see at the big family wedding over New Year's when Mom was still in the hospital....Josh and Mitsi (the newly weds) Clay and Charla (the rock stars:>)) as well as Aunt Nell and Uncle Bill and their family (Lee & J.J. their three boys (one being brand new...Will) and Tara & Jackson). We realize that all of you made Mom's trip possible as well as entertaining, and we appreciate your help! She seemed to have a great time when something different was what she needed! She is planning on doing this again get ready!

  • Although it is still going to be a long road, EVERYTHING seems to be improving. I know we have said it before, but it is like watching a baby grow. When you walk away for a few days, you can REALLY see the difference. Mom said she doesn't get to leave herself (thank goodness) so she depends on us to tell her how much she has improved and all the new things she is able to do and doesn't even realize! It is not until you think of where she was at four months ago, that you can fully appreciate where she is now, and how good God really is! She is becoming very independant again, both physically and mentally, and her speech (which seems to frustrate her the most) is clearer and more understandable everyday. She can talk on the phone, and she is able to worry and think about things. other than survival, that she couldn't even a month ago! We are confidant that she will be back to her bossy little self in no time!:>)

So back to my opening statement. It seems as though the levy that has held sixty one and a half years of hard work and seriousness, have finally broke, and laughter and silliness are now abundant. Some stroke victims are angry or fit throwers, but not Gigi, she has definitely found the laughter. Now let me clarify often times is not just a small giggle or a simple grin, but rather the loud, uncontrollable, gut wrenching fits of laughter that comes from deep within! Don't get me wrong, although we are thankful for this, she has had some narrow escapes from getting us ALL in BIG trouble. It is like when you are in church and nothing is funny to anyone but you, and just because you are in church and not supposed to laugh, the funnier it is. Sometimes this happens when she is trying to eat.......dangerous! And sometimes this happens when she is in a peaceful doctor's office.....illegal! Other times it is right in the middle of a serious conversation....offensive. But at the end of the day, we are so blessed that she has been able to find the laughter! Lord knows, if she has found no reason to cry about her current "crisis", then none of the rest of us have a pitiful leg to stand on! Clearly.....SHE WHO LAUGHS.....LASTS!

Thank you for continuing to check in on Mom, whether it is by visits, cards, blogs or thoughts & prayers. We notice and feel them all! Again, don't write us off your prayer list just yet, but be thankful with us as to the many blessings He continues to pour over Mom!

Love to all,



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. It was such a joy to have her here with us for those few days. I am looking forward to another visit.

Love to all! Aunt Nell

Anonymous said...

We are still talking about Aunt Gwen's sense of humor! It was so much fun having her and Aunt Tammy here and seeing everyone. We can't wait for them to come back!

J.J., Lee, and the boys