Sunday, June 14, 2009

Six Months...

Gigi, Opa, Brylie, Landry & Baby Payslie.

and things are looking up!

On the sixth month anniversary of Mom's stroke (not that we would like to remember) something very happy happened. Payslie Christian Walls came into the world and became Gigi's fifth little ray of Sonshine. As it worked out, Mom had already planned to be in Midland going to therapy, so she was here to watch Brylie and Landry in the middle of the night so we could go to the hospital and have a baby! Everyone is doing great....and we ordered the "deluxe model" this Payslie is pretty agreeable most of the time!:>)

On rehab news, Gigi has already gone to a couple of weeks at the Aphasia Center of West Texas. This is a remarkable center of hope for many people from all walks of life. After our initial meeting with the staff of the center, they determined that Mom actually does not have "Aphasia." She knows what she wants to say, and she knows when she says it right or not. Her speech problems are those of breathing, certain blends of sounds, pitch, volume and speed. Typically the center really would not even be able to help her, but since they knew that it would only be for a short time, they graciously welcomed her with open arms. This has been a huge blessing and definitely a step in the right direction as far as helping to re-socialize her. She has been going on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:30-1:45. The people there could not be any kinder!

In addition to The Aphasia Center, Mom is also participating in a one-on-one brain re-hab therapy called IN-Balance. This is another remarkable resource that uses balance boards to help truly rehabilitate the brain and create new neurological connections...which is what we are going for. Once you can balance on this board, then your brain is in perfect "harmony" and true rehab can take place. They work using different activities that cross the mid-line of the body requiring great coordination. It is quite obvious to Mom what her body has done to "fix" some of the problems. Her left side is much weaker than the right and as a result, she tends to pull her head back to the left. After only a couple of sessions at In-balance, we have been able to see improvement in Mom's balance. This can have affects on not only her balance, but speech and brain functions as is pretty amazing and we have been impressed so far.

Lastly, we have found a wonderful speech therapist here in Midland that is willing to work with Mom one-on-one for at least an hour during the week. She has worked with stroke victims before so has already been able to identify and pull activities to help pin point Mom's struggles. It is like I said earlier, Mom has made so much progress...she doesn't even realize it...but so much was out of mere survival, that now we are able to look at what she need to make a conscious effort to correct. It is our prayer that a combination of all of these specific therapies will work for the good to help Mom be back where she wants to be in the middle of August.....back at SCHOOL!

Thanks for all of your continued cards, notes of encouragement and continued prayers. We know that Mom is here and doing as well as she is...because of the Good Lord and your ongoing support! We will keep you posted! Love to all! Christi

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